Monday, December 28, 2009


心關在門里就變成"悶"。。。 所以處事待人要拿個heart出來。

好多時候,我拿個心對人,卻往往得到嘅係背板,別人唔領情,等等。 付出真心,換來嘅卻係傷心,付出的一片真誠,得回係一桶眼淚。 點解?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas greetings!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The chapter of PPBOP closes...

...finally today with a last session of farewell lunch.
A lunch that was postponed for 3+ weeks. Still, the thought counts, and a lot at that.
However that marks the last line of the PPBOP's chapter in my life. As a chapter ends, another has begun. I was actually thinking to myself, "Why did I gave up the comforts of PPBOP?" Work is crazy these days, I have not seen the daylight ever since I am in this new work place, save for the first day. Hopefully I catch up real fast.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

忙, 茫, 盲, 亡


在參與wake service時,聽到一番很深入我心的話。

大概就是這樣 -

生活在現代社會的我們,很多時候以為自己身不由己的在屏 - 屏命著為生活而努力,卻往往失去了生命的意義。從白天忙到晚,為了只是生活。 甚至有些人卻為了生活,卻掉了自己的生命。



