Monday, December 31, 2012

A new page...soon

In less than 2 hours, as the clock strikes 12 midnight - another year has gone by. It had been another whirlwind year with its fair share of ups and downs. On most parts, my life had been better though there are still things/issues I struggle with. I believe it will be better in the coming year. Hope fuels our lives, and as long as we do not lose sight, some day we will see what we envision to come true.

Here's wishing you and yours a Blessed New Year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Last trip for the year

Just finished packing my bag for a 3D2N trip.

Not a leisurely trip but I am glad to be able to make it - will share more when I am back. Adios!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

The office was almost empty today, probably less than 15 people on our floor - we didn't even have key to go in as most of the key holders are on leave, hohoho.

My Christmas eve lunch ... new place in town. Kyo-ei Tokyo Ramen @ Level 6, Pavilion - famed for its handmade ramen; as good as the one (Santouka) down at Tokyo Street. Whilst there, we saw quite a number of Japanese diners - so it must be good :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My fave snack!

One off the long list, anyway...

Ta-dahhhh - say HELLO to Auntie Anne's Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel, yummy!!!

From Auntie Anne - What better way to spoil dinner than this sweet treat, classic & all-time favourite. Blend of fine cinnamon powder with sugar coating the buttered pretzel.

They have a new pretzel on the block - with turkey bits & cheese topping - hence the 'new' packaging. Perhaps I will try it the next round.

Friday, December 21, 2012

冬至 Winter Solstice


冬至,又名冬節,係廿四節氣中嘅第廿二個 - 古時唐人以擬日做一歲開始,因為呢日之後日照會越來越長。
Source: 維基



Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Days to Christmas

Wonderful reminder

I will be back!

I have 'abandoned' my own for a few months now, but lately motivated by a friend wanting to start a blog and who had asked me on how to get started & so on...

I know I have missed out a lot...I don't think I can even clear all the backlog, December's a busy month (~~shifty eyes) - but I will try to at least conclude 2012 with a summary post :) So stay tuned!