Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Selamat Hari Malaysia

16 September - the day we remember the birth of the land we love - Malaysia.

Google Doodle for the day

We remember how our forefathers strive to build this place we call home. We remember how they put aside differences and unite as one. Let's keep the Jalur Gemilang up high in the sky. In the past year, the nation has been saddened with news of the disappearance of MH370 and the mishap of MH17, and through these challenging moments, we see once again the Malaysians united and stood side by side. We mourned together as one people. I hope to see Malaysians will continue in this spirit of oneness.

Malaysia is not made of the tropical forests and beautiful islands, Malaysia is not made of the tallest buildings and towers. Malaysia is made of her people. When we look at the people of Malaysia, there is so much beauty that exuberates, the richness in our different cultural heritage and how in our differences we have one thing in common - our love for this land and that makes us one family.

A short video ad by local telecommunications company highlight our brotherhood across races and cultures