Before moving on to July - just realised that I have missed quite a bit of happenings in June.
Church Camp in Malacca was one. Still craving for the cendol and fish ball salad now and again.

The other was the 1-day VBS we organised for the great kids from Jenjarom.

Half a year gone. I thought hopes were high, but it's only my thought. Nothing has worked out as yet.
Memorable in July was also the Northern excursion. Looking forward to more road trips ahead.

Was really thinking hard whether to resign from my job at PPBOP. Same old shit vs crazy old shit. Then decided to stay ... at least until the performance appraisal 2 months later.

Suffering a self esteem loss on the photography front. Felt that my photos suck. Sigh.
A busy month. A crazy month, actually. Mum was admitted to GH for 2 weeks.
The month I turned 33. Nothing much had changed - save for the age. A lonely birthday, but I am thankful to the friends who had shown that they cared. Still it was a meaningful day.

Decided to join AmBank and resigned from my job at PPBOP - an exceptionally difficult decision to make. Sad to be leaving all the friends and comforts - but happy to have a chance to make a change.
Took mum for a short holiday to Singapore.
Started a new era in AmBank.

Busy with practices for the Clickmas musical.

Super busy month on the job, with the VBS and Clickmas.

Ended the year with a quiet night with close friends and good sharing.
Welcome, 2010!