Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How do I...

...know that I have really loved someone sincerely & deeply?

A year ago, when I was asked whether I would take him back, I'd surely & without doubt said "No." Today, I still hold the same answer... difference is I hesistated for a second or two. I know I have truly loved him...despite all.

But that was the past.

I had moved on. In the search of someone who could make me love with all my heart & soul again, and loves me the same.

You'll never live until you have loved with all your heart and soul.


BenjaminO said...

How do you let by gones be by gones and not dwell on the past? How do you cherish the good memories and not remember the not-so-good ones? How do you love again and think there is no fear in love?

How do you be you and not open yourself up to possibilities, probabilities and uncertainties? How do you love God and not love thy neighbour? How do you fall in love and not think about someone's imperfections but rather celebrate that person's beautiful imperfections?

BenjaminO said...

How do you let by gones be by gones and not dwell on the past? How do you cherish the good memories and not remember the not-so-good ones? How do you love again and think there is no fear in love?

How do you be you and not open yourself up to possibilities, probabilities and uncertainties? How do you love God and not love thy neighbour? How do you fall in love and not think about someone's imperfections but rather celebrate that person's beautiful imperfections?