Saturday, August 31, 2013

Salam Merdeka

31st August - the day Federation of Malaya declared her independence from the then British colonial rule in the year of 1957. (Later on 16th September 1963, Malaysia was formed by Federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.)

Despite all, in spite all, I am proud to be a Malaysian. Saya anak bangsa Malaysia :)

We were taught to sing the national anthem since young - and each time now, I sing it again, I could feel tears well up - because of the Malaysian pride.

Tanah tumpahnya darahku
Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju
Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

(My translation below)
My country
My native land
The people live in unity and progress
God grants blessings and mercy
Our King rules in sovereignty

Video of the national anthem - performed with a nice twist; video made 2 years ago, hence the 54th year credit message at the end.

As it says for our theme this year - Malaysiaku Berdaulat, Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku (My Sovereign Malaysia, My Native Land).

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